
Posts Tagged ‘MOPS Devotions’

Last week, I gave a MOPS devotions on The Angry Mother.  It is a devotion that I have given in the past and one that always evokes a lot of emotions in myself and in others.  You can read the content for this devotion on a prior blog post titled The Angry Mother – it is one of my most read blogs.

After I shared devotions, the Mom’s had a discussion time with their groups.  The questions ranged from “What triggers your anger to Can you identify what you are angry about?”  I found that the Moms I was sitting with were very real with each other as they shared.  At one point, one of them made this statement, “My life is so different from I expected it to me and at times it makes me angry” and the other Moms agreed with her.  There was so much truth in her statement that life does not turn out as expected.

That young Mom hit on a truth that everyone has to face at some point in their life – none of us are living the life that we thought we would be.   Ask anyone who has a few years of life behind them and they will agree – we all thought that life would be easier and happier.  When life is hard (which is often) we find ourselves angry and troubled – wondering where God is and how He could allow these troubles to occur.

The lie we have been fed is that our lives should be picture perfect – we surround ourselves with magazines that show beautiful homes with happy people, movies that end with problems being solved and churches filled with put together people.  Yet, our lives are filled with illnesses, broken relationships, financial hardships, depression and troubled hearts.  We forget that our time on earth is so temporary – that our real home is in Heaven where the brokenness  of this world  will be healed.  Jesus assured us that we would struggle with the brokenness of life  – “In this world, you will have trouble.”  John 16:33.

I walked away from  MOPS that morning keenly aware that many Moms were dealing with troubles and anger.  I myself, continue to struggle with disappointments and pain.  But over the years, it has become increasingly easier for me  to let go of the life I thought I would have and accept the one I do have.  I continue to trusting that God’s plan is to walk alongside me, making me more like Him through each of life’s circumstances.   I pray that each of  our MOPS Moms and each of you are experiencing the same…




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Here is the MOPS devotion that I recently gave… it seemed to touch the hearts of many Moms as they commented on Facebook or at the meeting. 

Do you remember when your child was a baby and the overwhelming, deep love you felt for them.  You spent time studying them head to foot, checking out their little fingers, toes, nose and hair.  At that moment, you thought it would be easy to love them every moment of their lives. 

But then your child started to get their own personality and it was different from what you anticipated.  They were different from you, your husband or even your other children.  I know that I was amazed at how different each of my daughters were – I mean after all they came from the same parents so they should be the same, right?  And yet, each of my daughters were unique, gifted in their own ways and they each wanted their own way.

As Mothers, God calls us to “study our children” – just like you did when you were in school.  One way I encourage you to do this, is through The 5 Love Languages developed by Gary Chapman. 

First you need to know what the 5 Love Languages are (you can read more about them here):

  1. Physical Touch
  2. Words of Affirmation
  3. Quality Time
  4. Gifts
  5. Acts of Service

Then you need to know your Love Language, your husbands and your children.  You can learn by reading the book or by taking the assessment test, which can be found here (there are tests on this page for you, your spouse, your children, your teenagers and more).

Once you know and understand the Love Languages of those you love – you should be able to parent more efficiently.    One important question, is to know who you are parenting for – it is for yourself (so you will look good), for other (to impress others), our children (to make them happy) or for God (to bring Him glory through parenting them according to the way they were created and gifted). 

I hope you realize that God studies you – He created you and now delights in you.  He desires a relationship with you and loves you in the manner you need.  Just like you explored your baby in the hospital, your Heavenly Father is doing the same with you every day.  He knows the number of hairs on your head, He knows what makes you feel loved – He knows you better than you know yourself because He made you. 

A great resource for parents is The 5 Love Languages of Children – I encourage you to read all of Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages Books so you can better love those who mean so much to you. 


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Earlier this week, I was honored to share devotions with the Moms Matter Group at our Church (click here to learn more about Moms Matter).   This group is the ministry of former MOPS Moms to  “encourage one another in what matters: Faith, Family and Friends.”  What fun it was to reconnect with these Moms!!

Their meeting theme was a Spa and it was suggested to me that focus on self-esteem for a devotion.  I have come to the point where I realize as a woman who is living on this earth – I will most likely always struggle with my self esteem here.  Yes, I know the truth that I am loved, accepted, and forgiven by my Heavenly Father and that my self-esteem comes from Him.  But, the reality of living in this world constantly reminds me of my shortcomings, failures and needs.

My devotional focused on Hagar (her story can be read in Genesis 16).  She is an interesting character to focus on for self-esteem, because she probably had very little to feel good about.  She was a slave in a foreign land, given to her owner’s husband (Abram) to bear a child, abusive,  alone and misunderstood – so much so that she ran away into the desert (knowing that she could possibly die alone there).  Hagar is not exactly a great role model for self-esteem.

Yet, God was aware of each moment of Hagar’s  life.  He sought her as she ran away (through the angel He sent),  He listened to her as she explained her situation and He gave her promises of hope (even as He had her return to her difficult circumstances).  In response, Hagar gives God a name – The God who Sees. This lowly slave who has no reason to have any self-esteem is the only woman, the only human in the Bible to name God.

Just as  God was aware of a foreign slave (who would actually give birth to the enemies of His people) and allowed her the honored position of being the only person in the Scriptures who named Him – I too can be assured of Him seeing me when I struggle , finding me in the situations that I try to hide, and caring enough to give me promises of hope.  You too can be assured of God seeing you.

The God who sees Hagar is the same God who sees us – He sees us and He Knows.  He is aware of every minute thought, feeling, every emotion, every difficulty, every thought of self-doubt and pain – He sees all of us, the part we show to the world and the part we hide even from ourselves.


Who sees me in my struggles,

my failures,

in my expectations and disappointments


As I struggle with my self-esteem (which is often) – may I (and you too)  be reminded again and again that God sees and knows me – He cares and can be trusted and I am never alone.

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My Bible open on my kitchen island (plus Blessings Unlimited One Another Blocks – I like the way this looks)

At our monthly MOPS Steering Meeting, I always share a short devotion.  It is very causal and interactive with the leadership.  Last week, I shared that I was in a slump concerning my devotional time with the Lord.  For years, God has been drawing me to spend time with Him each morning and it is such a special time to read and study God’s word, journal and pray. 

Lately I wake up and definitely hear God beckoning me to spend time with Him,  but I am ignoring His call.  You see, my computer also calls to me to turn it on and communicate with the world – and I have been listening to it (dumb I know – to listen to a machine as opposed to the God of the Universe).  It also draw me in and once I hear the sound of Microsoft windows turning on, I think that I will only check my emails and then my news page and then my blog and then Facebook and …. (you get the picture).  And God’s calling to me is replaced by connection to the internet.  For me, the more I make the decision to spend time on the computer instead of in God’s word – it is easier to do again the next day – until that becomes my routine.

I shared this with my MOPS leaders and was amazed at how many of them were dealing with the same issue.  Each of them shared my struggle and began to encourage me and each other with ideas of how to listen to God.  How I appreciated each comment that was shared with – comments about their own struggle to spend time with God and not spend as much time on the computer. 

And then Anita (love you girl) said that she remembered the times I have encouraged the moms to just open their Bible and place it in a place where they will see it over and over again that day.  That open Word of God is a reminder of God’s constant presence with us; just glancing at it in the midst of a busy day brings peace and a reminder of how much God cares for us (even when we are not listening to His call).  Anita said that maybe I should listen to my own advice to open my Bible and place it where I can see it.  Wow, Anita – God was speaking through you.

Since that meeting last week, I have been taking my own advice and putting my open Bible on my counter AND I have been spending time again with my Heavenly Father.  Just being real about my struggle along with all the encouragement from the Moms, turned my heart’s desire back to spending time with my Lord and it has been a sweet time together.

Here is my kitchen counter that I walk by all the time with my Bible opened. (notice how uncluttered my island it 🙂 )

The verse that encouraged me today was

“Do not let your heart envy sinners,
       but always be zealous for the fear of the LORD. There is surely a future hope for you,
       and your hope will not be cut off.” Proverbs 23:17-18

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Last week, I gave a devotion at MOPS titled “When You Want to Run Away.”  When planning my devotion, I think and pray about the upcoming  topic for several weeks, and then several days before the actual meeting, I study and outline the talk.  This has been my routine since I started speaking years ago.

But this devotional topic did not fall into place as usual.  I had lots of ideas,  did a quick study on Biblical people who ran away and sat down to write the outline several times.  I even took my computer with me to bed and woke up at 3:00 am and tried again to finish the outline.  But each time, there was nothing except a blank computer screen staring back at me.

On the morning of MOPS, I got up early and went to the lab to get my blood drawn and then drove to the church praying about this devotion.  I arrived about 10 minutes early, and picked up my Bible and paper (completely blank except for the title) and suddenly it all came together.  In those 10 minutes, the Lord gave me His thoughts and words and my fingers quickly wrote out the devotions. 

And when I gave this devotion that morning… the Lord used His words to minister to these precious MOPS Moms.  I was just the carrier of the message (nothing more, nothing less).

When You want to Run Away —

by Sandra Joseph

3/24/10 MOPS Devotions,


Moms typically fall into 2 categories:

Moms who have wanted to run away OR Moms who have actually run away.  I actually belong to both categories.  As a young (and sometimes not so young Mom), I actually did run away several times.  Usually it was because I was:   Scared ~  Frustrated  ~  Angry   ~ Making a Statement  ~  Utlimately hoping that I would be loved enough to be chased.  I am not proud of the times that I ran, and it never produced the results I was hoping for.  As soon as I went out the door (or closed a door behind me), I acted selfish as well as childish. 

I remember the first time I wanted to run and didn’t do it .  It was only because I was…

  •  Trusting God instead of man (especially my husband)
  • Taking  my focus off of myself long enough to realize that running away would not solve anything
  •  Looked at my own issues and insecurities (instead of other’s)

I learned though that I am not the only one who has run away — I have several Biblical companions that ran away as well.  Moses ran from Pharoah after he killed the Egyptian (Exodus 2:11-15), Elijah ran in fear of his life after he fought Jezebel (1 Kings 19:1-14), Jonah ran away from God when he did not want to do what God wanted him to do  (Jonah 1) and even the disciples ran from Jesus the night Jesus was arrested and tried (Matthew 26:55).

Ultimately, the Lord showed me that my Savior, Jesus was the only one who did not run away.  Even thought, Jesus could actually see the beginning and the end and knew what that the  future held humiliation and death –  He did not run.  He asked for God to remove the cross if possible, but then willing walked the journey to His death and resurrection.  I was humbled by this fact and my own realization of how very selfish I have been. 

So what are you to do if you want to run away…

  • Ask God to help you see what is really going on with yourself (your fears, frustrations and pain).  Look realistically at yourself and what you want to run from so you can begin healing those issues in your life.
  • See help; having someone to talk to can be so very helpful.  I had Moms who have contacted me to talk and often just having someone to listen and pray with you is a start.  Ask God to reveal to you who will be able to listen and encourage you.
  • Utimately, trust God and don’t run.  Cry out to God with your fear, pain and loneliness and trust the Sovereign God to begin to heal you.  He has been faithful to do this in my life – He will be faithful to do the same in your life.

What a sweet reminder it has been to me over this Easter Season to Remember that Jesus did not run away from the cross – but that He went willingly for me, to cover my sins with grace. 

May you and I always Remember our Savior’s act of love and gift of grace.  He did not run, but did what God called Him to do.

May you have a Blessed Easter Celebration.







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Today I had the honor of being published on the Hearts at Home blog and sharing the same message with my terrific MOPS Steering Team.  As always, when God provides a message, it is usually more for me than for those who it is shared with.

Starting Over Again


At the start of the new year, I like to lead devotions at our MOPS/Moms Meetings with this verse…

“The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.”  Proverbs 14:1

I used this verse to encourage the Moms to start over again this new year.  To start over again by:

  • Slowing Down:  Ask yourself what is really important. Is stressing yourself and your children out by being so busy running here?  Is having your children involved in all kinds of activities (sports, church, dance, etc…) really building into your children the values you desire to build. Could slowing down and not being so involved help build a stronger family and faith legacy.  It takes time to raise children, time to read books, time to stop and pick up rocks, time to listen to children tell you their stories.  It takes time to teach your children about your faith.  Slow down and give your family less stress.
  • Lower Your Expectations:  Here it is again, that whole expectation thing.  For some reason, we always believe that our lives, our homes, our marriages, our children should look a certain way (and usually it has to do with some unobtainable marketing image that has been presented to us).  We all have things in our lives that are not great and no matter how perfect someone else’s life appears – they too are dealing with something.  Please allow your kids to be kids, your husband to just be a man, and your home to not be a showcase by lowering your expectations.
  • Deal With The Things That Are Bugging You:  Every time I speak about The Angry Mother, I tell the Moms (and myself) that when I am upset (or angry or withdrawn) — it is typically when I am not dealing with something going on in my life and I take it out on others.  Earlier this week, I was frustrated with Bill over our trash and with an Internet Photo Company over unanswered emails  (now I am sure they never want to hear from me again) – but what I was really dealing with was my frustration over my health issues.  Thankfully, Bill chose not to engage with me in a conflict and later that day I realized my “issues” and apologized to him (now I just need to call the Internet company back ).
  • Offer Grace To Others And Yourself:  How we all need this gift of grace everyday.  Offering grace to someone who is not doing exactly what you want (and this includes yourself) is such a gift.   Instead of being frustrated with your husband or kids — how about offering the gift of grace.  How thankful I am that God offered grace to me and may I offer this gift to those I love most every day.
  •  ”By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established: through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.”  Proverbs 24:3-4

    And there is the word treasure again: treasures that you can actually fill your home with.  The treasure of a grace filled home.  Once again, at the beginning of this New Year, start over again and build your home with time, love and grace – treasures that you actually can leave as a legacy.  I am praying for you …


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Last Month I gave a MOPS Devotions on The Trouble with Holidays  where I encouraged Moms to keep the Holidays simple and focus on the real meaning behind each holiday and to make that the focus of each celebration.  Since it has been awhile since I have had a small child in our home, I asked my friend and former MOPS Coordinator, Stephanie to create a Resource List of good list of books and products.  Her children are ages 10 (almost 11), 9. 7. and 6.  Stephanie is a wonderful Mom who does her research on the items used in her home, so I trust her opinion.   

Mom’s Holiday Resource List



Books to read aloud to your children or for your older ones to read to themselves:



All Seasons:

Making Ordinary Days Special

Creating Family Traditions

Creating Special Times with Special People

Hide It in Your Heart


Thanks for the work you put into this Mom’s Resource List, Stephanie.   


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For most families – this is one of the big holidays of the year. It is Halloween with dressing up, candy, parties, photo shoots and overstressed kids (usually high on candy).   Sometimes don’t we wonder why we do this to ourselves – I mean it is supposed to be for our kids right – but somehow we end overwhelmed by all of it. 

Do you remember reading the Berenstain Bear Book Too Much Birthday ?  In case you who did not have the privilege of reading this masterpiece, let me share the story.  Sister Bear is about to turn  6 years old and Papa decides to give her a birthday party she won’t forget – complete with a Merry Go Round, Pony Rides, lots of guests and a big cake.  Sisters Bear seems excited and then loses it at the party because it is actually too much celebration for her.  For some of your children and you too, the upcoming holidays are about to become “Too Much”!

Celebrations are good events created by God Himself.  In the Old Testament, God told His people to celebrate over and over again (at least 67 times in the NIV).  Today, we know some of these Jewish Celebrations – Passover, Hanukkah, Yom Kippur.   God wanted His people to remember and celebrate the amazing things that He has done for His people.

Today, our holidays are very much the same and yet different all at the same time.  Starting on New Year’s Day, we celebrate our annual holidays in our very American, commercialized way – decorating, candy, gifts and parties.   I have been amazed at how much pressure there is on Moms to do something special for each holiday for your kids, your home and your kid’s school.  For those of you who have kids in school – you know that there will be many treat bags full of expensive candy and trinkets – once again, more pressure on you (because who else actually creates all of these bags).

The holidays were created to recognize, remember and honor God’s gift of Redemption in our live.   But what should we do with Holiday Celebrations as Christians and Mothers of young (and even old) children. Here are several suggestions…

  • Please make it as SIMPLE as possible (remember how overwhelmed sister bear was when she had too much birthday).  You know your children better than anyone else and what is an appropriate level of celebration for each child.  Some children just love interacting with others – others don’t.  Don’t force your child to do something that they are not comfortable doing.
  • Teach your kids the real meaning behind each holiday and make that the focus of each celebration.

 Christmas is all about the birth of Christ – not Santa Claus.    We give gifts because God sent us the ultimate gift.  A great product to use for young children is the Really Woolly Happy Birthday Jesus Project, to view http://www.happybirthdayjesusproject.org/woollykids.php

Easter is all about the gift Christ gave us through His death on the cross. On this day we remember what He did for us –  something we could never do ourselves.  A great product to teach about Easter is the Family Life Resurrection Eggs http://www.familylife.com/site/c.dnJHKLNnFoG/b.4970923/k.AC3F/Resurrection_Eggs.htm

Halloween is the eve of All Saints Day – teach your kids about some of the wonderful Christian people God has used to build His Kingdom.  To learn of available products visit Christian Books and search under Halloween.

Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks to God who gives us all things – He provides everything we need just as He did for the Pilgrims.  Check out Family Life’s resources on Thanksgiving http://www.shopfamilylife.com/thanksgiving-time-to-remember.html

Valentine’s Day is all about love – God originated love – it begins with his overwhelming love for us. Again there are a variety of products on celebrating and showing God’s love, visit Christian Books and search under Valentine’s Day for children.

  • Finally as far as how your family celebrates the Holidays… it is not my place to tell you how your family celebrations should look.  There is a great resource titled Creating Family Traditions again found at Christian Books.   Each family’s decision about Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Halloween etc… needs to be made with your child’s temperament and your family goals in mind.  Pray about it, research what other families are doing, ask questions to families that you desire to model and then make your decision based on what God is calling you to do.  How our family celebrated each holiday, may not be right for your family.  What I can assure you is that God does calls us to celebrate, to remember and to rejoice in what He has done and will do. 

Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise;
       his greatness no one can fathom.

 One generation will commend your works to another;
       they will tell of your mighty acts.

 They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty,
       and I will meditate on your wonderful works. [

 They will tell of the power of your awesome works,
       and I will proclaim your great deeds.

 They will CELEBRATE  your abundant goodness
       and joyfully sing of your righteousness.

Psalm 147:3-7

Please feel free to share the ways your family celebrates the Holidays – we did this at our MOPS Groups and there were some great ideas shared.

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The 2009-10 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Theme is


 This is my first devotion for our MOPS Group….

Social Pressures on Planet Mom

Please allow me to reminisce about my family for a minute.  Both of my parents were raised on farms during the 1930-40.  My Grandmothers started their married lives by either living with their in-laws or renting a few rooms from a neighbor.  They would spend their entire week on the farm, possibly leaving to go to church on Sunday.  They did not have a TV and only added a radio sometime after the depression.  Their days were filled with hard work and their evenings were spent with their family – talking, reading, and later listening to the radio.  Their only source of being aware of what was in style was when they received a Sears and Roebuck catalog.  Hard to imagine – isn’t it?

My Mom and Dad married and moved off of the farm in 1954. Mom worked as a bank teller until she had children.  She and my Dad added a TV to their home in 1957, the same year they had my brother.  Through the TV, the outside world came into their home – and my Mom could experience Jackie Kennedy’s style, commercials and homes such as Leave it to Beaver, where all the women wore dresses, aprons and heals.  My Mom had a car available to her at all times and could shop at the grocery store as often as she needed. 

In 1984 I had my first sweet baby girl, Alycia who is now about the same age as many of you.  We lived in a home in suburbia, 2 hours from my parents and 15 hours from my in-laws.  I was alone all day as all of my neighbors worked.  I had a TV, but did not have cable and we did not get a VCR or a microwave until 1987.   I had a car available and once a week, I would spend the day with a friend who also had a baby girl.  I talked on the phone to my friends a lot.  In 1998, we got our first family personal computer and thought that dial up service was amazing.  By 2006, our entire family each had their own phone and in 2008 everyone had their own computer.

How things have changed in 25 years.  Now as Moms you have the world at your fingertips – with the touch of a few keys you can be anywhere in the world.  You have every kinds of media available to you – especially to show you how to cook, decorate, discipline, dress, plan an event, etc.   Every day you leave your home to go somewhere and your kids are more active outside of your home, than my Grandmothers ever were. 

The social pressures on you and your family are greater than they have ever been in history.  Not only to you have to cook, but you have to cook amazingly  like Rachel Ray which means with evoo (extra virgin olive oil – I did not know about this until just a few years ago), your home has to be decorated like DYI, your nails have to be done, your hair has to have a bump (or be full, smooth and textured…), you absolutely must be thin and your children have to be the best at something (sports, reading, piano, …), your husband must be successful, your marriage has to have intimate relations like what are shown on TV/movies, and it would be great if you had a successful career as well – because everyone else has one.  And don’t forget keeping up with all of those friends on Facebook and Twittering too!

Ah, the social pressures of our world today – which are so different from my Grandmothers.  But, we live in today’s world and God has put us here for this time in this place.  He called you to be a mother in 2009 and so we must live now.  I want to encourage you to hang on to the truth of what God is looking for in a Mom.

When God was choosing David to be the next King of Israel, He sent Samuel to select the next King.  He went to David’s family and met all of David’s strong, successful brothers, but none of them were the one to be King.  Then Samuel asked if there were any other brothers and David’s father answered that there was still one more brother who was tending sheep.  So they sent for him and sure enough – the shepherd, David, was God’s choice to be King.

God had given Samuel these words before he met David …

 “The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

Unfortunately, today we value ourselves on “the things man  looks at”, our appearance, our homes, our children and our successes.  But God looks at our hearts – He knows what is going on in our minds and our deep desire to look together.  But He also knows that the outward appearance is just a shell for what is happening in our minds.  And if we aren’t feeling good about ourselves on the inside – it will not help to look good on the outside. 

I know that most of your children have told you that you are pretty.  Even today my daughters still tell me that I am pretty.  I know that they love me because I am their Mom, not because I wear cool clothes or have great hair.  Your children see your real beauty because you are their Mom – and a Mom means secure love and acceptance – a safe place to be yourself. 

Your Heavenly Father provides the same secure love and acceptance.  Yes, He sees our insecurities and faults – but He loves us just the same and draws us to a relationship to Him.  He has known us since our creation, and even with each flaw – God has continued to love us.  We are safe when we are in His presence; there are no social pressures in His presence just safety.

So if the God of the Planet Earth can love us – we must then remove the pressures we place on ourselves and families and embrace who God has created us to be. 

You are Valued 

You are Accepted

You are Loved.

“The LORD appeared to us in the past,  saying:
       “I have loved you with an everlasting love;
       I have drawn you with loving-kindness.”  Jeremiah 31:3


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 Yesterday was our last 2009 MOPS Meeting.  What a wonderful group of Moms we have had in our group once again this year. Each year, I am amazed at the group of Moms the Lord sends to walk together in their Mothering Journey.  I love these Moms for their desire to be the best Mom possible, yet to know that they can’t do it on their own.  I simply just love being with these Moms, as well as being a Mom myself.

Yesterday, I did the traditional last MOP’s Devotion on the 3 things I want them to know as a Mom:

  1. That the Mothering Journey goes so fast even when it seems it is moving at a snail’s pace.  Be sure to look for the Mothering Paychecks that your children are giving you in the midst of the journey.
  2. Take the pressure off of your husbands and allow them to just be human men – men who are going to make mistakes and fumble things.  Allow the Lord to be your husband and to meet your needs. Isaiah 54:4-8
  3. Trust in God for your source of strength.  He is always available for your every need and emotion.  Do what it takes to develop a relationship with Him.

Then I commissioned the Moms with the same words God gave me last year (I went to revise it and could not think of anything I would change).  God’s Commissioning for MOPS Moms can be found here MOPS 2008 commissioning 

The MOPS Moms also blessed and humbled me in a mighty way.  They gave me a money gift to help me with the insulin pump expenses I have.  I stood there in tears as I received this incredible gift.  Below you will find the thank you I sent to this sweet group of women.

Dear MOPS Moms,

Tuesday evening  I read this Purpose Driven Life Devotion on my computer…

 May 19, 2009

God’s Financial Provision: Ask Him for Help


by Rick Warren

“You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, His generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus” (Philippians 4:19 MSG). 

There is an amazing, incredible, and all-encompassing promise in Philippians 4:19 (NIV) regarding provision: “…God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”

Note the first two words: “God will…” It doesn’t say, “He might meet your needs,” it says, “He will meet your needs.” It’s written as a fact; God is staking His character and His reputation on it.

Then the Bible says, “God will meet all…” It doesn’t say, “I’ll meet some of your needs.” It says “all.”

Now, understand that it doesn’t say, “I’ll meet all your greeds.” There’s a big difference between needs and wants. As a parent, do you give your kids everything they want? I hope you don’t. You don’t do that because you love them. And your heavenly Father loves you. He’s not going to give you everything you want because if He did, you’d be spoiled to death.

He won’t give us everything we want, but he will give us everything we need. Then why do you have financial needs? Did God fail? Did he lie? Did he exaggerate?

No! With every promise, there is a premise—there are conditions and requirements. When God makes a promise, he says, “I’ll do my part and you do your part.” God’s financial wisdom is clearly laid out for us in His Word. Although the Bible discusses many aspects of financial health—including principles of saving, spending, giving, investing, and stewardship—over the next few days we’re going to look at five specific conditions for financial stability.

First, ask for His help. Jesus says, “Ask, using My name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy” (John 16:24 NLT). Here’s a good rule: Before you pay for it, pray for it. Give God a chance to provide before you go out and charge it. You probably depend more on your charge card than you do on Jesus Christ.

Why does God want me to ask? So He can give.

Why does He want to give? So I can receive.

Why does He want me to receive? So I’ll be full of joy.

Why does He want me to be full of joy? It’s a great advertisement for Jesus Christ. Joyful Christians are a positive testimony.

Tomorrow we’ll look at contentment, another condition for answered prayer 

And then I spent the rest of the evening struggling with God about how I felt that He was not answering my requests concerning my medical needs. Of course, the Lord had already answered my request through each of you. How my lack of faith humbles me. I cried all the way home yesterday as I called Bill to tell him.  All day I felt numb, excited and humbled at how the Lord has worked in my life through you.

 Thank you for teaching me to trust in my Lord more – Thank you for mentoring the mentor.

 I care about each of you so much and am so glad to be part of CEFC MOPS.

 Love,  Sandy

May I say once again, that I am blessed to be part of such a wonderful group of MOPS Moms who care about each other including me.  Thank you to each one of you..

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