
Posts Tagged ‘Peace Valley Orchard’

 A bag of Buckeye Gala Apples from Peace Valley

When Alycia was in pre-school 20 years ago, I experienced my first field trip to the apple orchard.  And since I had 7 and 1/2 years between my oldest and youngest, I have had many, many field trips to the apple orchard.  My favorite of all the apple orchards in our area is Peace Valley Orchards located in Rogers, Ohio.

Saturday morning, Bill and I went drove out to Ohio (we were empty nesters as Audrianna was at a youth group retreat) to eat breakfast at The Das Haus (if you have been reading my blog for any time, you might remember that their German Chocolate Cake is my favorite — and Bill bought me a piece for a treat!!) and then we drove to Peace Valley Orchards.

It is truly a beautiful Orchard and I know so much about it from all the field trips I took there (I think I could actually give the tour, but Carol (one of the owners) does a great job).  I love their own patented Buckeye Gala apple — they are so delicious to eat and cook with. 

This is my second trip to Peace Valley this fall; Alycia and I went several weeks ago.  Since then, I have made pies, apple crisp and a family favorite, homemade applesauce.  Here is a family secret, I put cinnamon candy in my applesauce for flavor and it makes the applesauce a lovely pink color.  I bought two more bags of apples to make homemade applesauce to freeze, but I am waiting for Laryssa to come home for fall break to help.  And of course, a gallon or two of apple cider made its way home with me! 


 Alcyia with one of our crumbly top apple pies

Our pie after one serving….

Apples in the fall always remind me of visiting my Paternal Grandparent’s farm where an old apple tree stood in the upper field.  My Dad, Mom and I would pick a couple of bags of apples for my Mom to cook with (she too made homemade pies and applesauce).  These apples had not been cared (like in the orchard)  other than by God, Himself and they were usually bruised and holey — but they still tasted good!  My Dad would always pick up an apple, shine it on his pants (which he said made the apple really clean) and then eat it with the declaration that it was the best apple!  Sweet memories of times with my parents, apple pies and now the same family traditions in our home….

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